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Boyfriend by Sarina Bowen

[PDF ePUB] Boyfriend by Sarina Bowen

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Sarina Bowen: Boyfriend

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The dreamiest player on the Moo U hockey team hangs a flyer on the bulletin board, and I am spellbound:Now everyone knows it’s a bad idea to introduce your long-time crush to your messed-up family. But I really do need a date for Thanksgiving, even if I’m not willing to say why. So I tear his phone number off of that flyer… and accidentally entangle our star defenseman in a ruse that neither of us can easily unwind.Because Weston's family is even nuttier than mine. He needs a date, too, for the most uncomfortable holiday engagement party ever thrown.There will be hors d'oeuvre. There will be faked PDA. And there will be pro-level awkwardness…