Power Query Cookbook: Use effective and powerful queries in Power BI Desktop and Dataflows to prepare and transform your data by Andrea Janicijevic
[PDF ePUB] Power Query Cookbook: Use effective and powerful queries in Power BI Desktop and Dataflows to prepare and transform your data by Andrea Janicijevic
Download and read online Power Query Cookbook: Use effective and powerful queries in Power BI Desktop and Dataflows to prepare and transform your data by Andrea Janicijevic in ePUB, PDF, Mobi, Kindle, and other supported formats.
Key FeaturesBook DescriptionWhat you will learnWho this book is forPower Query is a data preparation tool that enables data engineers and business users to connect, reshape, enrich, and transform their data to facilitate relevant business insights and analysis. With Power Query's wide range of features, you can perform no-code transformations and complex M code functions at the same time to get the most out of your data.